"The accident of where one is born is just that, an accident; any human being might have been born in any nation"
Martha Nussbaum, 'Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism' in For Love of Country (Beacon Press, 2002)

Friday, 19 September 2008

Society for Applied Philosophy News

Details of various events as well as the 2009 annual conference below...

The Inaugural Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Lecture:

Naturalism, Normativity, and Applied Ethics

will be delivered by

Baroness Onora O'Neill

(President of the Society for Applied Philosophy)

20 October 2008, 5pm, Exam Schools, High Street, Oxford

Future Annual Lectures
will be given by Professor Thomas Pogge (Yale) in 2009, and Professor Philip Kitcher (Columbia) in 2010. The venues and exact dates of these events are yet to be determined.

The American Philosophical Association:

The SAP will sponsor two sessions at the 2008 APA, Eastern Division, 27-30 Dec 08:

December 27, 2008 group session I - 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Topic: Global Ethics

Chair: David Archard (University of Lancaster-United Kingdom)

Speakers: Thomas Pogge (Yale University) Can Intellectual Property Rights Be Justified?
                Hillel Steiner (University of Manchester, UK) Fair Trade and Just Prices

December 29, 2008 Group Session VIII - 11:15 a.m.-1:15 p.m.

Topic: Applying Philosophy

Chair: Hugh LaFollette (University of South Florida)

Virginia Held (City University of New York-Graduate Center) Progress in Normative Theory
        Adam Swift (Oxford University) Political Philosophy in the Real World

Annual Conference 2009:

The Society's Annual Conference in 2009
 will be held at the University of Leeds on the weekend of 26-28 June.  This will be a non-themed applied philosophy conference featuring papers from a variety of areas within the field. Call for papers and further information forthcoming.

Public Reason Podcasts

The Public Reason Political Philosophy Podcast Symposium is due to start today. A new paper will be podcasted on the site every week for the next ten weeks, along with comments from a responder. 

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

CFP: Stirling Graduate Conference 2008

Thursday 11 - Friday 12th December 2008 
Department of Philosophy, University of Stirling, Scotland  

Keynote Speakers:  
Prof. John Horton (Keele University)  
Prof. Leif Wenar (King's College) 

Submission deadline: 10th October 2008 

Following the success of last year's event, the Department of Philosophy at Stirling University is holding the 2nd Postgraduate Conference Law and Philosophy. This event aims at bringing together postgraduate students working on any area of Political and Legal Philosophy. The focus of this year's Conference will be particularly, but not exclusively, on issues of Political Obligation and Global Justice (e.g. State Legitimacy, Anarchism, Civil Disobedience, Distributive Justice, Nationalism/ Cosmopolitanism, Legal Positivism, Natural Law, etc.).    

Contributions are invited from graduate students working on any topic in political and/or legal philosophy.  Each postgraduate presentation should be max 30 minutes, and will be followed by a 10-minute reply, and by an open discussion. Each session will last 90 minutes. Abstract of max. 500 words should be sent via email to lawandphilosophy2008@stir.ac.uk  by 10th October 2008. Selected participants will be required to send a full draft of their paper by 3rd November. Thanks to generous support from the Department of Philosophy of Stirling University, The Roberts Funds and The Scots Philosophical Club, there will be bursaries available for participant postgraduates. Inquiries should be sent to Ambrose Lee or Piero Moraro

JOBS: Salzburg Center for Ethics and Poverty Research

The Center for Ethics and Poverty Research (University of Salzburg) invites students to apply for Junior Fellowships and scholars to become Scholars in Residence (SiR) in Salzburg.  The Center, established in 2005, coordinates an international network and and conducts research in three areas:  
1) “Decent work” and questions of the future and ethics of work 
2) “European values” with a special focus on “solidarity” and an “ethics of sharing” 
3) “Resilience” and poverty alleviation 

Junior Fellows and SiR will become part of the research community at the Center for Ethics and Poverty Research. They should find space and time to do research and to pursue creative thinking. The Center aims at having three junior fellows and two Scholars in Residence at the same time. The Center is located in a scenic area on the Moenchsberg overlooking Salzburg – next to the newly established Center of European Union Studies of the University of Salzburg. It is expected that Junior Fellows and SiR:  
* work during their stay in one of the three research areas of the Center on a clearly defined question 
* are present during their stay in the Center 
* take part in the weekly Center Seminars 
* contribute to a publication of the Center. 

For SiR the Center will also organize a public lecture/seminar upon request. The Center will provide office space, accomodation and a monthly stipend of EURO 400. We invite students and scholars from all relevant disciplines to apply for the time period January 2009-December 2009. The suggested duration of the stay is a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months for students and a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 4 months for scholars. 

If you are interested in becoming a Junior Fellow or Scholar in Residence in Salzburg please send an expression of interest including the suggested research topic/project and the preferred time frame to Professor Clemens Sedmak, the Director of the Center for Ethics and Poverty Resarch: clemens.sedmak@sbg.ac.at Center for Etics and Poverty Research University of Salzburg Franziskanergasse 1/IV A – 5020  Salzburg Tel: +43 (0)664 8525312 Fx: +43 (0)662 8044 2533

JOBS: Radboud University

As part of the NWO financed Vidi project “Cosmopolitanism in a world of interconnected threats and challenges” the Centre for Philosophy of Law of Radboud University Nijmegen seeks candidates for a postdoc and 2 PhD positions in the fields of legal and political philosophy. 
Candidates should submit a detailed CV and the names and e-mail addresses of two referees who may be contacted for confidential references. Applications should be received by September 30, 2008. Interviews are expected to take place in the second and third week of October, 2008. 
Post-doctoral Position in Philosophy of Law
PhD Candidate for 'Democratic representation within a globalized world'
PhD Candidate for 'World peace through world law'
Additional Information:  Dr. R. Tinnevelt, associate professor in Legal Philosophy  Telephone: 0031-(0)243615539  E-mail: r.tinnevelt@jur.ru.nl

Monday, 1 September 2008

Carnegie Ethics Online

The latest in the Carnegie Ethics Online series is a roundtable on 'The Myth of the Nation-State', featuring Devlin T. Stewart, Nikolas K. Gvosdev, and David A. Andelman. Read it here